Today we’d like to take time to address some frequently asked questions about CedarSafe products and installation.

What are some reasons why I should spend the time and money to put in a Cedar Closet?
Aromatic Eastern Redcedar has been shown to repel insect pests including moths, cockroaches, silverfish, etc. Cedar closets and storage areas provide for protection of clothes and other valuables from these insect pests. Cedar Closets and storage areas provide a fresh aroma to clothes and other items stored in them, eliminating the often musty odors found in enclosed storage areas. Installing Cedar Closets and other Cedar storage projects are inexpensive and easy to complete with few tools and no expertise required.

What are some projects that can be done with Cedar Flakeboard or Cedar Panels?
There are numerous storage areas where Cedar Flakeboard Panels or Cedar Planking can be used, including closets, chests, drawers, under sinks, cabinets, armoires, and any other enclosed area, where insect protection and /or the fresh aroma of cedar is needed.

Is it ok if I add a finish or sealant to the Cedar Flakeboard or Cedar Panel after installation?
If a finish or sealant is applied to the panel or plank, it will eliminate the aromatic quality, as the aroma would be sealed in the plank. This defeats the aromatic and insect repellent benefits of the cedar.

These are just a few of our most popular questions; you can read our full FAQ at our website,

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